Hairloss can be prevented and with these few tips, help reduce the likelihood of hair loss. Of course, if you are already experiencing hairloss then we recommend one of our great products but dietary adjustments and natural remedies can all be used in conjunction with one of our solutions.
Hair loss can be caused by many factors
- Environmental toxins
- Aging, chronic stress
- Smoking
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Hormonal imbalances
- Genetics
- Infections
- Poor hair hygiene
- Drugs or medications
- Thyroid problems
- Auto-immunity and other chronic illnesses.
It’s normal to lose hair daily but losing 50 strands in a day can be a sign of premature balding. Restoring the health of your hair can be started right in your own home, with many strategies completely free!
1 – Massage your scalp
Massage the scalp regularly and use essential oils and nutrients to clean and strengthen your hair follicles to promote healthy hair growth.
2 – Get enough Omega-3 and eat zinc-rich foods
Omega-3 fats provide nourishment to follicles and make your hair more elastic and less easily damaged. The best sources of Omega-3 are chia seed, walnuts, salmon, sardines and eggs.
3 – Keep up your levels of protein and iron
Protein deficiency can cause hair loss or thinning. Great sources of protein include:
- Beef
- Salmon
- Sardines
- Poultry
- Eggs
- Green leafy veges
- Nuts and seeds
- Seaweed.
Iron is also and an iron deficiency can mean less oxygen reaches your scalp, which can result in hairloss problems.
4 – Treat your hair right
If you are maintaining your overall health then caring for your scalp and hair is easier. It’s important to make sure that the products you use aren’t damaging your hair as there many harsh chemicals in hair colouring and other treatments.
Also, avoid excessive heating and drying of your hair as this can damage and weaken the hair shaft, leading to breakage and loss.