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What is Modajoy?

Modajoy is the most recent branded version of Modafinil, the study drug famed for enhancing your cognitive abilities and improving your focus. Modajoy increases your memory retention and makes you feel more awake by stimulating the brain’s neurotransmitters.

Modajoy is one of the most affordable forms of Modafinil on the market and contains 200 mg of Modafinil. Modajoy is said to be similar to Modalert, but is slightly more potent and can be bought at a cheaper price.

Each Modajoy pill has a handy crease down the centre, so if a 200 mg dose is too stimulating for you, you can break the pills in half and control your dosage.


Modajoy is most commonly prescribed for sleep disorders such as narcolepsy, sleep apnea and shift work sleep disorder, but is also prescribed to reduce the symptoms of ADD/ADHD and fatigue. Modajoy is extremely beneficial for stabilising your sleep patterns as it keeps you alert during the day so that you are able to get a good night’s rest at nighttime.

Despite its prescribed use for sleep disorders, Modajoy is popular amongst creatives, business professionals and students, to increase their attention span and focus and reduce the number of breaks needed when working to complete tasks more efficiently.

Side effects

Like other variations of Modafinil, Modajoy can cause overstimulation if taken in excess. If you are particularly susceptible to the effects of the drug, you may experience side effects such as headaches, nervousness, insomnia, anxiety and upper respiratory tract infections. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important for you to reduce your dosage. If they persist, however, cease taking the drug immediately and consult your physician.

When taken responsibly, Modajoy can be the cognitive boost you need to be more productive and alert.

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All about Modaheal: uses, side effects, review

Modaheal is a popular narcolepsy medication, commonly used by night-shift workers, college students and corporate executives to boost productivity and workflow. The medication is a generic version of modafinil, which is designed to reduce extreme sleepiness. Modaheal is commonly referred to as a “nootropic”, which is defined as a synthetic or natural substance that may boost cognition, brain performance and memory in healthy people.

Manufactured by Healing Pharma, the Modaheal product came on the market in 2017. The company’s goal is to market all generic drug segments at an affordable price. Modaheal comes in 200mg doses, as is common with many modafinil products, but is also available in a separate 100mg dose.

Who uses Modaheal, and why?

Many people who use Modaheal take the medication as soon as they wake up, while others take it after they’ve been awake for about half of their day. People who use Modaheal describe effects such as:

– increased mental clarity
– laser-like focus
– improved memory
– higher energy levels

Modeheal is used by healthy people who are looking for an energy or brain performance boost, as well as people living with a range of conditions. These conditions may include:

– memory decline from age
– attention deficit disorder (ADD)
– depression
– muscular fatigue
– jetlag

What are the side effects of using Modaheal?

Rare, but possible side effects of Modaheal usage include:

– headache
– increased sensitivity to light and sound
– nausea
– chills and fever
– confusion
– difficulty sleeping

In Australia, modafinil products such as Modaheal are legal and were initially authorised for use by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in July 2002. The TGA ensures that therapeutic products bought and sold in Australia meet the proper quality, safety and performance standards. In 2007, the TGA increased the permissible uses of modafinil from narcolepsy-related sleep problems, to excessive tiredness associated with sleep apnoea and chronic shift work sleep disorder.

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Modafil MD

Widely prescribed for the treatment of sleep apnea, narcolepsy and for people who have disordered patterns of sleep (perhaps through shift work, for example), Modafil MD is part of a class of drugs known as analeptics. Analeptics are drugs which stimulate the central nervous system, increasing alertness and wakefulness. Similar to stimulants which are used to treat ADHD, respiratory depression and several other conditions, Modafil MD is intended to keep users awake when they need to be. Regular use, particularly if the tablet is taken at the same time every day, can help to regulate sleep patterns.

What’s in Modafil MD?

The active ingredient in Modafil MD is modafinil. Modafinil increases the level of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, resulting in increased wakefulness. Stimulating the production of these brain chemicals may also have a positive effect on creativity. One of the advantages of using Modafil MD for the administration of modafinil is that the tablet has a pleasant, spearmint flavour, so it can be chewed. Particularly for people who don’t like swallowing tablets, Modafil MD can make an attractive alternative. This is a fast-acting tablet which is easy to administer. The effects last several hours, helping to promote alertness and high levels of concentration.

Should I take Modafil MD?

Modafil MD is a prescription-only medicine. Used under medical advice, patients may experience a noticeable improvement in concentration and alertness, as well as enjoy more regular sleeping patterns over time. Modafil MD is a drug which is easy and pleasant to administer (note it can be chewed, rather than swallowed whole), making it more likely that people will use it regularly. Although the drug has some side effects (notably aggression, headaches, nervousness, digestive upsets and sleeplessness), when appropriately prescribed it is a useful option to treat the sleep disorders of several different kinds.

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How is modafinil different to ritalin?

Modafinil and Ritalin are two stimulant drugs prescribed to increase wakefulness in patients. However, they do have some distinct differences. With this in mind, let’s take a closer look at modafinil and Ritalin below.

What is modafinil?

Modafinil is an oral drug that is usually prescribed by doctors to help people with sleep disorders such as sleep apnea (periods during sleep when breathing stops) or narcolepsy (extreme sleepiness). It works by stimulating the mind so that you stay awake during the day, helping you to form a normal sleeping pattern. However, it’s also commonly used as a wakefulness aid during work, school or sports.

Among those who play chess, modafinil is very popular, as studies have supposedly shown that it helps the brain to concentrate for prolonged periods of time.

However, it should be noted that modafinil is a prescription drug for a reason. Even though it’s deemed safe for use to treat these disorders, scientists don’t understand how modafinil works in the body. Theoretically, biochemists believe that it alters the substances in the brain that control the sleep cycle, but this is not concrete. Therefore, it shouldn’t be used in place of a good night’s sleep because it doesn’t give the body the rest or recovery time it needs.

What is Ritalin?

Ritalin is the drug used to treat ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), helping to decrease impulsiveness and hyperactivity in patients. It’s commonly prescribed by a doctor due to its ability to alter the natural amounts of different substances in the brain. Unlike modafinil, ritalin helps to increase attention, rather than just keeping you awake.

However, like modafinil, it can also be used to treat the sleep disorder narcolepsy as it increases your capacity to stay focused and attentive. Both modafinil and Ritalin must be taken orally and can interact with blood thinners and seizure medicines. The most common side effects of Ritalin are stomach pain, loss of appetite, vomiting and weight loss, while the most common side effects of modafinil are diarrhoea, dry mouth and upper respiratory tract infections.

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How can nootropics help me at university?

University can prove to be one of the busiest times in a young adult’s life. You’re juggling a hectic social life, society events, keeping in touch with your family, keeping your home clean and your fridge stocked, and then there are your studies too! The day-to-day can be hard to keep track of. That’s why some students turn to clean nootropics, but what are they and why do people take them?

What are nootropics?

With universities’ reputation as places rampant with illegal drugs, the subject of using clean nootropics for study can be rather touchy. However, it isn’t a drug. It’s a natural supplement that is taken to improve the brain’s ability to learn and retain new information, whilst boosting brain health. It seems to be a touch above some of the other uppers used by students to keep on top of their work-life balance, as clean nootropics don’t seem to feature the same kind of side effects or risk factors.

Are nootropics safe to use?

One of the most common questions surrounding nootropic use is whether or not they’re safe for human consumption. If the nootropic in question is clean, then it must be argued that it’s not unnatural. By this, we mean that nootropics are unable to act in the same way as some illegal drugs as they’re unable to synthetically enhance the mind. In fact, nootropic founder, Dr Corneliu Giurega, states that for nootropics to be true nootropics, they must have the ‘usual pharmacological side effects of neuropsychotropic drugs’.

Why take clean nootropics at University?

It’s important to remember that the effects of clean nootropics can vary from person to person. On the whole, however, students take nootropics at University to boost memory retention during studying. This is done by sharpening the pathway of the brain’s acetylcholine neurotransmitter. However, clean nootropics can also help to ease stress by monitoring the activation of the stress response in the brain. If overreactive, it may dispel the excess.

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How to cope with modafinil tolerance

Drug tolerance is a natural occurrence and a testament to the adaptability of the human body. Unfortunately, it also means that you need to take larger doses to receive the same benefits. This can lead to dangerous addictions when it comes to some drugs, but with modafinil the instances of addiction are rare and it is simply the diminished efficacy that you have to deal with.

So, what how can you combat modafinil tolerance?

The best defence is a good offence and taking steps to avoid developing a tolerance is the best way to ensure you continue to feel benefits:

Don’t take it every day

Modafinil isn’t a recreational drug, it’s a tool. If you use the same tool every day, it’s going to blunt. Keep it sharp by taking days off and have more moda-free days than not. If you need to use it a few days in a row, make sure you take a break for a few days. If your usage is light, then you may only need a week off to reset your tolerance, while heavier users might need a month to get back to zero.

Limit other smart drugs and stimulants

Modafinil is strong stuff and aside from a few cups of coffee, you won’t want to take anything else. This includes other types of smart drugs, but also caffeine pills and energy drinks. Not only will other stimulants impact the quality of your downtime when you do take a moda break, an important part of getting the maximum benefit from modafinil is ensuring you get enough sleep, which will be difficult if you’re full of caffeine, sugar and guarana.

Take some magnesium

Magnesium is reputed to reset drug tolerance levels by inhibiting the NMDA receptors, which control addiction and tolerance. While scientific evidence is inconclusive, anecdotally people have experienced positive effects when using magnesium to lower their tolerance. It is available as a supplement in most supermarkets, pharmacies and health food stores. There are also theories that promote grapefruit as a CYP3A4 enzyme inhibitor (the enzyme that helps your liver flush drugs out of your system), but again these are inconclusive from a scientific standpoint. Either way, people should eat more fruit so have a grapefruit anyway.

Is it just the honeymoon effect?

Remember the first time you drank a beer? Or had a cup of coffee? Probably not. But the first time with any substance will be more intense than subsequent usage, even if you are moderate in your dosage. If you’ve tried the above tips but are still feeling like the effects of moda are muted, perhaps you are comparing it to the “honeymoon” period and hoping for effects that are beyond the scope of modafinil. You could try increasing your dosage – between 100mg and 200mg is normally recommended – or switch to a more potent form, such as armodafinil.

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Moda and music: creativity unleashed

Having an idea is one thing. Having the focus and drive to see it through to completion is another. Whether you’re painting a new masterpiece or writing an opus, writing a song or editing a film, you need deep concentration to really make your idea reach its potential.

Dual action brain reaction

With music, moda addresses the key elements needed to progress in the technical aspect of learning at instrument, as well as the creative ones. Writing songs and composing requires:


Focus is essential for art and creativity and is important at every stage of the process. When you’re practicing the piano, guitar, trumpet or recorder, all the scales and exercises require concentration to learn them correctly. With songwriting, creating the early drafts, honing and refining the concept and adding the finishing touches needs the same. Modafinil helps you reach new planes of concentration and enables you to give everything you have to each step of the process, whether you’re strengthening your technical skills or composing.


Repeating scales on your instrument, or however your practice your craft, requires patience and determination. Moda can make even the most arduous and demanding practice session productive from start to finish. With modafinil, you don’t practice for 15 minutes at your top level then another five being less motivated until you finally drop it altogether. “Flow” or being in the zone, is a psychologically proven state where you are in a state of enjoyment and motivation, fully immersed and energised by your tasks, not fatigued. Moda is flow in a pill.

It can’t do it for you

Moda isn’t about getting high or hedonistic. It’s a tool to take your mental powers to new heights and help you realise more of your potential.